Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Reflection # 2

After my second week of my project, I certainly feel like I have more solid work done. Last week, I was mostly learning new things, researching topics, and designing my blog. This week I focused mostly on writing. At this point I have nine articles completed. The articles are all school related, and almost every article is about events that took place this spring. A few of my articles include Al Milley, and how he is an exemplary student-athlete, Ian Putnam, and his dismissal from Proctor, the learning skills program here at proctor, and how so many have taken and learned many studying habits through learning skills, the few andover attractions, the spring weather, next year's school leaders, with a bit on Cam Webster's speech, the effects of "senioritis" the boy's hockey team's Lakes Region Championship, and the girls basketball season. 
Another I did was thought up a possible idea for me paper. The idea is a a page dedicated only to the students on senior projects, and some of their thoughts so far. I made a survey for all the students and almost every student replied. 
I finally got a chance to go to the press this week, although it wasn't for long. I was only there about twenty minutes, and didn't get too see the whole press. I did however, have an in-depth conversation with my sponsor about the process a printing a newspaper, from start to finish. I plan on visiting the press again for a much longer tour early this week so I can see the actual machines used to make a newspaper. 
I have set up a weekly planner for next week, since my paper will have to be finished a bit early in order to get some copies printed on time for the senior project due-date. I also spent some time with Brenda and discussed a format to put my articles on. We decided to use to format that she uses to make the yearbook. 
Overall, this week was more work, and less learning. I am happy with the way things went this week, and feel like I should have no problem finishing up my articles and getting them onto a newspaper by next week. 

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