Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 2

I got a good chunk of work done today for my newspaper. The first thing I did was upload a picture. At some point I will most likely switch my picture to something relating to my project, but I got one up for now. I planned on sitting down today and plotting out a way to go about making my paper. However, when I sat down and got out a pen and paper, my mind went blank. I didn't really know where to start, or what I could write about for my articles. So I went down to Jake's Market and got 2 newspapers. I looked through the papers to try and learn a few things. I studied their layouts, fonts, articles, titles of articles, etc. I looked through all this and jotted down a few notes. I know that in order to make my newspaper interesting, I am going to have to put in some things that will catch the eye of observers. That is why I spent a lot of time studying how the authors titled their articles. I also wrote down a few things I thought I might be interested in writing about. I still have to think up some more ideas, however. I have also talked to my mom, and told her to keep the next couple of days worth of newspapers so I can do some more observing, because this is how I will get a basic idea of how to make my newspaper look appealing. 

1 comment:

Michele Koenig said...

Hey Matt, try to include some information about the support you are getting from your Sponsor. Otherwise, good job.