Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 12

Today was mostly an editing day for me. I spent most of my time bringing my things together. I am finally finished writing all of my articles, however, I might add one more about Brenda winning the teacher award, and the 1,000 dollars. I will either write an article about her, or do an interview, since I am living at her house. I did manage to get another two articles finished today. One of them was on Earth Day, and the other was about Al Milley getting chosen to be the senior speaker. I went down to Brenda's office to move my articles from the word format, to the format she uses to make the yearbook, however we ran into some conflicts. We didn't know the dimensions of the paper that the articles will be printed on, and couldn't get ahold of my off-campus sponsor, so we decided to wait it out another night. I instead spent time gathering some of the pictures I will add to it. At this point, I am thinking about just dragging all my pictures into a folder, and saving them to  disk. Again, I am not sure if I can drag the pictures onto the document, or if they are put on separately, so I have to wait to hear back from him about that as well. I plan an touring the press again on Thursday, and hopefully hand him my paper so it can get printed in time for Monday. That will give me the weekend, to write my self-evaluation, and put my presentation together. 

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