Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 11

Today I spent most of my day in Brenda's office. I was just writing more articles, and planning an outline for my paper. Although I wanted to spend my time working with Brenda, she was teaching during the time I was there, so we plan to meet tomorrow night. I will hopefully have all of my articles finished by tomorrow, and will then move them onto the format that Brenda uses to create the yearbook. I spent another three hours working in her office, and some in my room, but it was all articles. For about an hour of that time, I was just editing other articles. I was reading through the articles I have so far, and fixing mistakes. For some, I added a few more sentences, for others I took away a few sentences. I also called my off-campus sponsor today, but he didn't answer so I left a message. I asked him when would be the best day this week for me to come and tour again, and also asked how much time he would need to get my paper printed. I am not sure how long it takes all together to get the paper put together, but I do not want to make the mistake of not getting it in on time. Hopefully he will call me tomorrow, and let me know what day is best for him. By tomorrow, I will most likely have my part done, and will just have to get it in and printed, with a bit more touring. 

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