Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 9

Today was probably the least productive day I have had. The reason being, is I had a hockey tournament that started today, and I was driving all day and had an 8:30 game. That is the reason why this post is a bit late, because I didn't get back until late. I managed to get a few articles done on the drive home. They aren't very long, only a couple paragraphs each, but I got three done. I plan to make up my time I missed tomorrow, because I don't have another game until Saturday. Tomorrow I also plan on posting a few of the responses I got from the survey I made. I have yet to get all of the kids on senior project, but I do have a majority of them. My biggest priority is to get more articles done. I have about six done now, but I want to have around fifteen by the time my project is finished. This entry is a bit short, simply because I didn't get much done today, but tomorrow should be a more productive day. 

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