Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 1

Today was day one of the making of my newspaper. Although I haven't exactly started creating the newspaper yet, I spent a lot of time getting used to the blogger site. I played around with basically every part of the site, and started customizing my blog. Hopefully by tomorrow or Wednesday I will get a picture of me up there. I got in contact with printing press and started setting up a schedule. I took some time to see where I had the most free time between Spanish class and baseball so I could make the trip to Haverhill to tour it. As of right now, it looks like Mondays and Wednesdays will be the easiest days to get there. The guy said a complete tour will take about an hour to an hour and a half. However, I won't need a complete tour every time I go. During the tours I plan on taking a lot of pictures, perhaps a couple movies if it seems appropriate. I am excited to get started, and will start plotting out a game-plan on how I will go about making the paper tomorrow. 

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