Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekly Reflection # 3

My final week of senior project was very busy. During this week, I completed my articles, spent an entire day at Upper Valley Press being a part of the entire printing process, and assisted in printing my newspaper. 
The beginning of the week was spent in Brenda's office and the library, finishing up my research for my articles. I also had to continue to get ahold of students on senior project to get their survey responses so that they could be included in my paper. I finished writing my final articles and spent a few hours finding pictures to go with some of the articles. Finally, I figured out what order I wanted the articles to go in on the paper. 
On Thursday, I spent the entire day at the Upper Valley Press in North Haverhill, NH. I first worked with  a man named Shawn, transferring my articles and pictures from word documents into the program InDesign, which set it up to look like the printed result. After we finished, we edited the color in some of the photos so that they would come out as best as possible on the press. After we finished with InDesign, I went into another office and worked with a man named Dave, to conclude how the pages would be lined up, and which ones would be printed where. Then on a large color printer in that office, we printed a proof of my newspaper so when it came time for the paper to run through the press, the pressmen would have an example to compare it to, so that they can create the best color scheme possible. After this step, we walked into the next room where the platelets are made. The articles and images are lasered onto the platelet and it then goes through an oven to set the laser design. This platelet is then used in the pressroom, as the mold for the newspaper. Finally, I helped in the pressroom as the platelet was put into the press, colors were adjusted and my paper was printed! 
It was a great feeling holding my printed paper in my hand after it was finally complete. I felt proud of myself reading the articles, knowing how much time and effort I spent creating it. I also gained a deeper appreciation for newspapers seeing just how much time and hard work goes into creating a finished product of a newspaper. Before this project, I had no idea how much effort it takes to make a newspaper. Overall, it was one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. 

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 15

Today was a simple, but yet another productive day for me. All I did was write my self- reflection. I worked for about three hours, because it was hard to put all of my thought into words. I am glad it is out of the way though. Today was my last actual day of senior project, but my work is not finished. This weekend, I am going to be putting my presentation together. I think I am not sure yet how I will do it, but I have all the materials I need, just need to piece it together in a form that I can present. That should be done by tomorrow, so the work I did will be explained in my last weekly reflection.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 14

Today was by far the most exciting day of my senior project. The reason being, is because I got my newspaper printed! I got there around one o'clock, and didn't leave until around six. It took a lot of work. My sponsor hooked me up big time. I was treated like a businessman when I got there, meeting with all kinds of personel. I first met with two women, who took a look at my articles, and my photos, and they helped me decide my set-up. We decided that the best format was that of a tabloid, meaning you read the paper like a magazine, rather than a newspaper. The paper is eight pages, four pages, front and back. I worked with a man names Shawn, who helped me with the layout, using a program called "indesign" on his computer. This took us about an hour to do. Then, the process began. Frankly, I don't know where to start. It first goes through a few computers, then they are put onto platelets, which are big sheets of aluminum. These are sent through ovens, and then brought through the press. The press copies the aluminum sheets, and puts them onto paper. I got to choose the style of paper I used. I went with a basic white color, which was heavier than the grey, so I thought it would last longer without ripping. The machines take it from there, piecing them together, and then binding them with glue. The copies are then trimmed to size. I left out a steps, but much more will be explained with my presentation. I got tons of pictures, and have 200 copies of my paper to share with people. I owe a huge thanks to Upper Valley Printing Press, who helped my hugely. I learned a ton today!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 13

Today I got the chance to go to the press, although it wasn't until late. I was very excited to go, because I spoke with my sponsor after not being able to reach him for a few days. We talked over the phone for a while about my final product. We talked about my paper dimensions, colors, etc. He told me I had a few choices for how I want my paper to look. He said I could print it onto an actual newspaper, or I could put it onto a tabloid. I didn't know which I wanted at that time, so I told him I would see what they looked like when I get there. When I spoke with him, he told me that we would be printing the paper tonight, so I was very eager to get there and get that done. However, by the time I got there, it was too late, and all I got was a tour. The tour was much longer than my last one, and I learned a lot. I won't say I was disappointed, since I still learned so much, by I really wanted the paper to get printed. I am however, going back there tomorrow, and that will be the day it gets printed. I have Spanish second block, so I will head out directly after that. I am not sure how long the process takes, but I hope to get back in time for baseball. I also wrote my last article today on the way to my baseball game. The article was about Brenda, and her winning her award. Hopefully, by the end of tomorrow, my newspaper will be done, and all I will have to focus on is my self-reflection, and my presentation. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 12

Today was mostly an editing day for me. I spent most of my time bringing my things together. I am finally finished writing all of my articles, however, I might add one more about Brenda winning the teacher award, and the 1,000 dollars. I will either write an article about her, or do an interview, since I am living at her house. I did manage to get another two articles finished today. One of them was on Earth Day, and the other was about Al Milley getting chosen to be the senior speaker. I went down to Brenda's office to move my articles from the word format, to the format she uses to make the yearbook, however we ran into some conflicts. We didn't know the dimensions of the paper that the articles will be printed on, and couldn't get ahold of my off-campus sponsor, so we decided to wait it out another night. I instead spent time gathering some of the pictures I will add to it. At this point, I am thinking about just dragging all my pictures into a folder, and saving them to  disk. Again, I am not sure if I can drag the pictures onto the document, or if they are put on separately, so I have to wait to hear back from him about that as well. I plan an touring the press again on Thursday, and hopefully hand him my paper so it can get printed in time for Monday. That will give me the weekend, to write my self-evaluation, and put my presentation together. 

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 11

Today I spent most of my day in Brenda's office. I was just writing more articles, and planning an outline for my paper. Although I wanted to spend my time working with Brenda, she was teaching during the time I was there, so we plan to meet tomorrow night. I will hopefully have all of my articles finished by tomorrow, and will then move them onto the format that Brenda uses to create the yearbook. I spent another three hours working in her office, and some in my room, but it was all articles. For about an hour of that time, I was just editing other articles. I was reading through the articles I have so far, and fixing mistakes. For some, I added a few more sentences, for others I took away a few sentences. I also called my off-campus sponsor today, but he didn't answer so I left a message. I asked him when would be the best day this week for me to come and tour again, and also asked how much time he would need to get my paper printed. I am not sure how long it takes all together to get the paper put together, but I do not want to make the mistake of not getting it in on time. Hopefully he will call me tomorrow, and let me know what day is best for him. By tomorrow, I will most likely have my part done, and will just have to get it in and printed, with a bit more touring. 

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Reflection # 2

After my second week of my project, I certainly feel like I have more solid work done. Last week, I was mostly learning new things, researching topics, and designing my blog. This week I focused mostly on writing. At this point I have nine articles completed. The articles are all school related, and almost every article is about events that took place this spring. A few of my articles include Al Milley, and how he is an exemplary student-athlete, Ian Putnam, and his dismissal from Proctor, the learning skills program here at proctor, and how so many have taken and learned many studying habits through learning skills, the few andover attractions, the spring weather, next year's school leaders, with a bit on Cam Webster's speech, the effects of "senioritis" the boy's hockey team's Lakes Region Championship, and the girls basketball season. 
Another I did was thought up a possible idea for me paper. The idea is a a page dedicated only to the students on senior projects, and some of their thoughts so far. I made a survey for all the students and almost every student replied. 
I finally got a chance to go to the press this week, although it wasn't for long. I was only there about twenty minutes, and didn't get too see the whole press. I did however, have an in-depth conversation with my sponsor about the process a printing a newspaper, from start to finish. I plan on visiting the press again for a much longer tour early this week so I can see the actual machines used to make a newspaper. 
I have set up a weekly planner for next week, since my paper will have to be finished a bit early in order to get some copies printed on time for the senior project due-date. I also spent some time with Brenda and discussed a format to put my articles on. We decided to use to format that she uses to make the yearbook. 
Overall, this week was more work, and less learning. I am happy with the way things went this week, and feel like I should have no problem finishing up my articles and getting them onto a newspaper by next week.