Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 3

Today I  decided to work on my first column. I haven't completely finished it yet, but I am about three quarters done with it. I worked on it for about three hours, but some of that was just brainstorming. It took me a while to decide what I wanted to write my first article on, eventually decided that I would write an article on somebody at Proctor that everyone loves, Al Milley. Al will be labeled as the P.A. man of the year, and at some point I plan on having an interview with Al. The column will consist of Al's hobbies, favorites and examples of what makes him the perfect representation of what Proctor Academy looks for in student athlete. I am pretty sure, if not certain, that Al will not like the idea of this. But everyone else will. The column is only a couple paragraphs, but a bit more will be added. I found a way to make a newspaper layout under word documents. This way, my articles are put into paragraph form. I hope to be finished with this article by tomorrow. 

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